Honoria Smythe-Smith is:
A) a really bad violinist B) still miffed at being nicknamed "Bug" as a child C) not in love with her older brother's best friend D) all of the above
Marcus Holroyd is:
A) the Earl of Chatteris B) regrettably prone to sprained ankles C) not in love with his best friend's younger sister D) all of the above
Together they:
A) eat quite a bit of chocolate cake B) survive a deadly fever and the world's worst musical performance C) fall quite desperately in love
It's Julia Quinn at her best, so you know the answer is . . .
D) all of the above
I've been a HUGE fan of Julia Quinn for well a while now. I love her Bridgerton novels and her book The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever is probably one of my favorite historical romance novels. I wanna say probably only second to Johanna Lindsey's A Man to Call My Own.
So during the adventures with the Bridgertons you meet the Smythe-Smith girls. They hold a musicale every year and unfortunately they are all dreadful. People of the ton probably go simply because it is tradition because I do not know of another reason why people would subject themselves to such awfulness.
Well after being just side characters in those books the Smythe-Smiths garnered a place in the hearts of probably most Julia Quinn fans. So after what feels like ages we finally have a Smythe-Smith story.
Honoria Smythe-Smith knows the only way to be excused from performing in the annual musicale is to be married. So after only one year she decides she wants to marry. But also she wants to marry because with being the only child left in a house which was once full of laughter she wants her own family.
Marcus Holroyd was raised like all proper Marquis should. Strictly and learning everything there is to know about being a Marquis. Unfortunately all that time studying that left Marcus without what all children need...love.
So in Honoria's older brother Daniel he finds a best friend and soon finds himself enfolded within the warm arms of the Smythe-Smith family. After a scandal Daniel is forced to leave London and asks Marcus to look after Honoria by making sure she doesn't marry someone unworthy.
Honoria just doesn't understand why the suitors she had just stopped coming around. She also wondered why Marcus always felt it necessary to scowl at her across ballrooms.
Soon Marcus is injured quite literally from a trap set by Honoria to snag a potential husband. After saving Marcus' life Honoria realizes that a world without Marcus in it is just a cold place and realizes she loves him. Marcus soon learns that Honoria is the only person who ever understood him and loved him despite of all his shortcomings.
Soon Honoria learns that she was nothing but an obligation to Marcus but she is quite hopelessly in love with him so what is she to do?
Okay after much waiting I was finally able to read about the Smythe-Smiths. I have to say I was not disappointed. If I thought I loved them before I've come to realize I love them even more now. Just the interaction between Honoria, Sarah, Iris and Daisy will leave you in stitches...well at least they did me, LOL!!
Also, the story of Marcus and Honoria was soo sweet and tender I was literally sighing out loud when he tells her he loves her! It was sooo wonderful and I must admit I got a little teary eyed as well.
And darn it if Marcus did not somehow grab a hold of heart and not let go although he did not dislodge Nigel Bevelstoke (TSDOMMC) from my top spot of favorite Julia Quinn's heroes. Also, Colin Bridgerton makes a cameo and I remember just how much I loved him. This book was soo much fun it especially when it was like visiting old friends again.
I personally cannot wait for the next Smythe-Smith book!!
So if you want to read a sweet-tender romance just go here -->Just Like Heaven (The Smythe-Smiths)
Overall Rating:
Sexiness Rating:
Currently Reading: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Up Next: Cloudy With a Chance of Marriage by Kieran Kramer (I swear this will be the next book I pick up no MATTER what!!)
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